This project was conducted by the IEEE Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology (VJCET) SIGHT Group based in Kerala, India. Local IEEE volunteers from the SIGHT Group have worked to equip a rural school in a remote area in the state of Kerala with a consistent source of electricity. Students installed a two kilowatt off-grid solar power plant on the roof of school, and wired the school building, fixed light bulbs and a ceiling fan, and cleaned and painted the building. They also provided a laptop, projector, and audio system to further enhance the school’s learning environment. They know that providing a cost-effective, sustainable energy source will contribute to the school’s capacity to offer a quality education for its students.
The team shared some of the lessons they have learned so far through project implementation:
- The importance of developing cost effective and sustainable solution to problems.
- Learning the difference between the textbook knowledge and practical application.
- Learning and practicing standards.
- Witnessing the realities of life in remote, underserved communities and how the solution will impact the lives of the community members.
- Cooperation among all stakeholder groups (colleagues, team members, and local people), and why working together contributes to a successful project.
- Motivation to continue working for a better future.
See the project video on the SIGHT Youtube channel!