Kerala SIGHT – SIGHT volunteer resource portal Inauguration
IEEE Kerala Section SIGHT volunteer resource portal was inaugurated on 2nd April 2022 at IEEE Kerala Section Malabar office by Mr. SampathKumar Veeraraghavan Global Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee. This is a volunteer-led open-source portal for submission of relevant humanitarian problem statements in different geographical areas of the state and best practices already adopted by different SIGHT groups in Kerala. Interested SIGHT groups could take up the problems in their locality and devise sustainable solutions.
The inauguration was followed by a technical talk by the HAC Chair on “Leading the Global Frontiers on Technology-Centered Sustainable Development Projects” which discussed how IEEE members can participate in the portfolio of global programs offered by the IEEE HAC. The program was attended by dignitaries across the state.
Sri Sairam College of Engineering
HAC Chair Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan delivered a technical talk and an interactive workshop on “Leveraging Emerging Technologies in Solving Global Sustainable Development Challenges” on April 11th at Sri Sairam engineering college, a leading engineering institution in the state of Tamilnadu. India. This session was well attended by close to 400 participants including IEEE student chapter members, SIGHT members, departmental heads, and local community members. Later, the HAC chair surveyed the local villages to understand various sustainable development challenges faced by local communities and discussed how the IEEE members can be empowered through HAC programs to develop solutions to address those needs. Attendees were inspired and are committed to joining the local SIGHT network.
VIT – Deemed University
HAC Chair Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan delivered a technical talk on “Advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven social innovations at VIT University Chennai. This talk explored how recent advancements in AI can be leveraged to solve global challenges and achieved SDGs and was well attended by the IEEE student branch members.
India council Chair and Kerala Section Executive committee – Meet & Greet
During his recent visit to Kerala, HAC Chair Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan met with Mr. Suresh Nair, India council chair, Kerala section chair Ms. Mini Ulanat, and Kerala section execom. The team discussed how the India council and Kerala section could leverage opportunities provided by HAC to inspire, connect and engage local volunteer volunteers in HAC/SIGHT programs.
IEEE Madras Section Young Professionals- Professional enhancement connect – state-level event
HAC Chair Sampathkumr Veeraraghavan presided over a professional enhancement connect program organized by the IEEE Madras section Young professional team. This interactive program provided guidance to attendees on how engineers could leverage their leadership and technical skills for social good. Key Section leaders, YP, WIE, SIGHT members, IEEE society volunteers, and student members across the state joined the session and learned about the opportunities offered by HAC/SIGHT at the grassroots.