Important Notice:
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in an unprecedented manner, and as such, SIGHT has joined forces with its parent committee, the Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC), to offer shared Calls for Proposals to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation and address other issues of pressing community need.
For more information on HAC/SIGHT funding opportunities, please visit the HAC website.
IEEE HAC/SIGHT Project Management Process
HAC/SIGHT have developed and continually improved the project management process over the years to reduce risk and increase impact.
Projects Awarded SIGHT Funding
If you have questions about what kind of projects SIGHT funds, would like to learn about projects that have been funded in the past, or would like to use some of the supplementary templates to strengthen your proposal, visit the SIGHT toolkit. You can also review what SIGHT projects were awarded funding in 2019 and watch the videos below created by three different teams about their SIGHT projects.
Video Highlights from Past SIGHT Projects