Case Study: BRIDGES Nicaragua

  • Group: BRIDGES Nicaragua
  • Partners:
  • Location: Nicaragua
  • Chair: Mario Aleman
BRIDGES Nicaragua

Enable access to electricity and appropriate technologies for the development of more than 20 underserved communities in the North Atlantic Area of Nicaragua.

Key Activities & Outputs

A few of our successes are better understanding of technology in the community, more education and training opportunities for the people in the community, local evidence of project sustainability, motivation to continue, and a way to replicate and scale up projects. Our success so far has been to establish concrete relationships with other IEEE partners who are interested in supporting the project including Bridges Program, Smart Village and Kilowatt for Humanity. Also, INGES has recruited a good number of partners who are the current donors of the first phase of the project. Next steps are the creation of a business plan and a project proposal bringing access to energy and other technologies to the villages.

Lessons Learned

We have learned that team work, building relationships, networking and local community assessment are important parts of a project. Working with local people and listening to their needs and motivation to contribute is a very important aspect of this project. We are just facilitators for community empowerment and ownership of local projects.

Intended Outcomes: Next Steps

INGES will take responsibility of this project through a 10 year program where a team of volunteers and staff will help the communities to become sustainable and generate income. Project funding from different international organizations and a revolving fund strategy will allow each community to learn from each other. Also, a rural tourism strategy will allow extra income and development for these communities.