2022 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year
The 2022 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year is Dr. Jawad Y. Siddiqui, who was selected to receive this award due to his outstanding contributions to IEEE SIGHT, his leadership in furthering the collaboration between IEEE HAC, SIGHT, and the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) to provide new humanitarian technology opportunities for IEEE members, and his dedication to serving his local community. Dr. Siddiqui was the founding Chair of a SIGHT Group in the IEEE Kolkata Section in 2016 and now serves as the Chair of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) SIGHT Committee.
Dr. Siddiqui has been involved with IEEE SIGHT activities since his early years as an IEEE volunteer. In 2021 and 2022, Dr. Siddiqui partnered with IEEE HAC and SIGHT leadership to strengthen the relationship with IEEE Societies, especially IEEE AP-S. See more about Dr. Siddiqui’s contributions on the SIGHT blog.
2021 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year
The 2021 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year is Ir. Ts. Dr. Then Yi Lung, who was selected to receive this award due to his outstanding contributions to IEEE SIGHT, his fellow SIGHT Group and HAC/SIGHT Project volunteers, and his local underserved community. Dr. Yi Lung founded and currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE Sarawak Subsection SIGHT, the first and only SIGHT Group in Sarawak, a beautiful Borneo state in Malaysia.
Notable instances of his exemplary leadership from the recent past include his role as the IEEE Sarawak Subsection Chair for Humanitarian Technology. It was his vision and forward-thinking about the needs of the local Sarawak community that led him to take a step further and establish the Sarawak Subsection SIGHT Group in 2019. From starting out with six members when the Group was founded, it now has more than twenty active volunteers.
See more about Dr. Yi Lung’s contributions on the SIGHT blog.
2020 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year
The 2020 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year is Ronny Cabrera Tituana, Founder of the IEEE Ecuador Section SIGHT Group.
Mr. Cabrera was selected to receive this award due to his outstanding contributions to IEEE SIGHT, his fellow volunteers, and his local underserved community. He led the 2019 SIGHT-funded project “Nabon Network Project”; “IEEE Ecuador 2019 Summer Camps” funded by Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) Events; the “HACKTECH COVID-19” project funded by HAC/SIGHT in 2020; and was the organizer and speaker at project-related workshops held by the IEEE Ecuador Section and other SIGHT Groups in his country. Mr. Cabrera was the founder and first Chair of the IEEE Ecuador Section SIGHT Group in 2018, and supported the formation of two other Student Branch SIGHT Groups in Ecuador in 2019. Additionally, he organized and let a workshop on Social Return on Investment, and other trainings on project management and sustainable solutions for humanity for his group members.
2019 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year
The 2019 SIGHT Volunteer of the Year is Lwanga Herbert, Chair of the IEEE Uganda Section SIGHT Group.
Mr. Herbert was selected to receive this award due to his outstanding contributions to IEEE SIGHT, his fellow volunteers, and his local underserved community. He led a SIGHT funded project at the Mukujju Health Center; presented on SIGHT at both the IEEE PES/IAS 2019 PowerAfrica Conference and the 2019 IEEE RADIO Conference; served as a member of the SIGHT Operations Subcommittee; and volunteered as a project proposal reviewer. It is easy to see how Mr. Herbert has made a positive impact in his SIGHT group, exhibiting constant dedication and commitment to furthering the IEEE SIGHT mission.